LITTLE KIDDO 2: English for Toddlers (for age 6-7 years) – Toko Buku SIP Publishing

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LITTLE KIDDO 2: English for Toddlers (for age 6-7 years)



LITTLE KIDDO 2: English for Toddlers (for age 6-7 years)

Penulis: Indah Permatasari, S.S.
Halaman: 50 hlm
Ukuran: B5
Kertas: Bookpaper
Isi: BW
Cover: Softcover
Tahun Terbit: 2023
SIPSBN: 920-230-600-046-8
Harga: Rp50.000


English for Toddlers: Little Kiddo enhances and broadens students’ vocabularies through simple and interesting methods. The vocabularies presented are mainly used in a daily basis and combined with pictures and games so that students will gain a deeper understanding toward the lessons. Additionally, some activities are also aimed to trigger students’ creativity while learning, as a portrayal that “Learning English is Fun”.

English for Toddlers : Little Kiddo 2 is suitable for beginner level, especially students in the age of 6 to 7 years old.


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