Penulis: Gusti Nur Hafifah | Dimas Ramadhan | Abubakar Sidik | Nabila Puri Cantika | Mas Dewi Fatimatys Zahra | Aulia Nur Fitriayanti | Ruly Sefiana Putri | Naufal Alfarisi | Hervani Novitasari | Annisa Harum Pramudhita
Halaman: x + 97 hlm
Ukuran: 17,5×25 cm
Kertas: HVS
Isi: Warna
Cover: Softcover
Harga: Rp150.000
This is the second series of MALL for teaching English book. The Mobile Application for Speaking and Writing reviews ten kinds of mobile applications that can be used for teaching productive skills: Speaking and Writing. Each chapter reviews one application based on some aspects: the application features, the strengths and weaknesses, the pedagogical benefits, and instructions for using the application. Each application is reviewed and visualized based on the relevance, feedback, thinking skills, ease of use, engagement, sharing, accessibility, and cost that each application structures.
This book is purposively made to help teachers and students get the benefit of mobile applications that are available on their smartphones for teaching and learning English. Hopefully, this book gives significant contribution to practical teaching and learning at schools and provide references for researchers about the use of mobile applications in education, specifically in English languageĀ teaching.
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